A generalist species is able to thrive in a wide variety of environmental conditions and can make use of a variety of different resources
Health Care Projects
Worked on several large scale medical projects as a Senior Designer for Odell Associates:
Shiners Children's Hospital, Houston TX, Federal Medical Center, Butner NC, Cancer Research Center -Johns Hopkins, Baltimore MD, Cancer Research Center and Parking Deck -Greenville Hospital, Greenville, SC, Shriners Children's Hospital, Philadelphia PA, Cancer Treatment Center -Greenville Hospital, Greenville, SC
Shriners Hospital for Children
Houston, Texas
This orthopedic children’s hospital is part of the 600-acre Texas Medical Center in Houston and serves as the entrance landmark from the south to the medical campus. The Hospital is one of 13 new and 8 renovated Shriners orthopedic or burns units built between 1987 and 1995 that completely replaces the generous building program begun in 1930.
The limited site dictated that the 250 parking spaces be located on three floors under the five level Hospital, totaling 117,700 square feet. The building’s program includes outpatient services, radiology, a seating and prosthetics lab, occupational and physical therapy spaces, a gait lab, therapy pool, an operating suite, and administration floor (8th), and a floor for medical research (9th).
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Cancer Center
Baltimore, Maryland
The Johns Hopkins Hospital retained Odell to plan and design a new Comprehensive Cancer Center for their East Baltimore Campus. The new building houses 5 linear accelerator radiation therapy treatment vaults, outpatient & inpatient chemotherapy, oncology outpatient programs, 126 inpatient beds, 16 operating rooms, 20 surgical intensive/intermediate care beds, support services including a blood bank, and central sterilization facilities. Project also includes 300 in-building parking spaces for patients and visitors, providing direct access to treatment spaces.
A major determinant for the form and design theme of the Comprehensive Cancer Center is its proximity to its historical neighbors. The design seeks to achieve a cohesive look for the Broadway edge of campus, while respecting the unique character of the Historic Billings, Marburg and Wilmer buildings.